This month’s shopping round up. ↑ ( Purchased second hand from RealReal. )

A carrot probiotic drink.

Why renewables are necessary but not enough to fight climate change.

The mind of this film critic.

Forest bathing as therapy.

This physicist’s rant.

This sort of intermingling between style and interiors.

This color story on navy blue.

Climate science journalism without sugar coating.

These square toe ballet flats. ( I want them in 3 colors. Help ! )

Eco-conscious capitalism.

Carbon capture startups.

Why do all sustainable bloggers dress the same ? Why do all the minimalists dress the same ? Why do the hipsters dress the same ? Data Science answers.

Sewing professionals in your area.

Social media exposure pressures us to spend.

Glou glou.

The narrative of the Green Deal.

“At home, Thunberg persuaded her parents to swear off air travel and stop eating meat. “They were frequent fliers and high consumers,” she says. “And then I showed them articles and films and I told them about the situation. You can’t really stand up for something without walking the walk. That’s what I did.” A case of children inspiring adults to protect the environment.

“Over the course of a lifetime, you and 34 of your ‘average’ British friends produce enough pollution to cause one death.”

“The upper caste people reacted vehemently and even violently to the start of these schools. They pelted stones and even cow dung at Fatima and Savitribai while they would be on their way. But both the women remained undeterred. Fatima taught in the school till 1856, and is regarded as the first Muslim woman teacher of India.” #badassWomen

She is me.

A breast tax.

MIT’s emission free plane. ( Woah, pls pls become commercially viable soon. )

This cute home.

These tiny eco-homes.

On ethical living, I think: “please don’t take away my many blessings!” Let me keep the sunshine, food, home, safety, job, and loving family. When I learn that ethics requires just some sensible reductions in driving, flying, meat, etc., I think: “Is that all? Thank God!”

Vote with your dollar.

This downsized home.

15 logical fallacies to know about.

Our understanding of plastic’s pros and cons.