Rural land wife. That has always been my association with this look. Not appealing till it suddenly became an aspiration. I want to live on open land with a huge garden with other humans who worship the land. While my current career prospects don’t facilitate such lifestyle, clothes can act as a placeholder for the fantasy.

The woman who wears vintage. I like the off-the-mark worn-in mis-matched pieces that is more of a miss in terms of an outfit in every aspect but the woman seems happy. That is the mindset I am after.

It’s the right outfit for the woman itching to wear dresses again but the weather wouldn’t co-operate.

It’s the right outfit for the woman who likes clothes that pack in the volume.

Two oversized garments paired together can look unflattering. But unflattering for whose eyes ? Mine seem to be finally at peace with it all. Dressing for a lens, biological or artificial, seem to matter less and less these days. My notes :

Stop looking are a reflection. Dont reduce it all to an image. Stop making decisions based on looking in the mirror and through camera lenses. Just wear and go. Compliments are more noise than signal.

Wear a belt on the sweater. Or under the sweater.

Monochrome sweater with printed dress.

Different color sweater with a plain dresses.

No accessories. A maxi dress layered can stand on its own.

A shawl can replace sweater, for when you know for sure that puppy is having a low energy day.

Rain boots under a dress is puppy friendly for long walks.

To make it more structured, pair maxi dress with leather jacket. Or a blazer. But not necessary during the pandemic year. Before the society gets more real again, before the outside voices grow louder again, wear the comfy clothes for as long as possible.