Can I make ? Am I a maker ? How much practice and talent does it take to be creative with my mends ? Creativity is practice of a process and a mindset. It has to be learnt, doesn’t it ?

I always found embroidery rather superficial and the craft rather pretentious. ( Sorry mom.) It often ruins the Pu. Mends are a kind of embroidery that I appreciate. They belong on the garment. There is nothing superficial about a mend.

A mend may sit on the surface of the object, but it’s a transformation. The transformation isn’t entirely on the object being fixed but rather on the person doing the fixing.

Repair inspires creativity and skill building. Outfits and shopping often inspires consumerism.

After my first repair, something deep inside me changed. It’s given me a certain confidence. It’s created an emotional connection with the garment I mended. It’s created a different kind of relationship garments that would have looked stale to my eyes.

These past years have me doing not much other than “being woke”. I called out fast fashion. I “cancelled people” who promoted fast fashion. I spewed facts to people comfortably seated in renovated dining rooms. We all nodded, went shopping in some very expensive stores and patted ourselves on our backs. Looking back, was that in the spirit of slow fashion ?

Slow fashion = { minimalism + sustainable living } + { mindful consumption } + { well-made + well-worn} + {abandonment of seeking perfection } + { well-mended + well-repurposed } + { acceptance of transience } + { a salute to life } ++ { climate action } .

A revolution, not tweaks.

A better world, not business as usual.

Not woke-ness, but action.

My love of fashion was initially all about consumerism. I then tried to channel it towards outfits with what I own. The more you have, the easier it is to make cool outfits. It didn’t solve the problem. The gaze then shifted to the craft that goes into making the garments. It was a great space to be in. I got my fashion fix. I could taste the creativity. I could read about the artists. It helped me out. I didn’t just love fashion. I was in love with fashion and consuming much less than before. Now, I want to create something of my own. The natural patina is beautiful. But I want to create my own patina. Seeing and wearing isn’t enough. I want to act. “Craft of Use” is the sustainable solution.

Is it okay that my heart aches for this idea that I don’t fully comprehend nor know how to implement ? I am learning to mend my clothes. Every hole my clothes make as they wear is an opportunity. I have many waiting their turn. When the snow falls and we are locked in, I pledge to practice mending.

What has been your sartorial inspiration lately ? What are you up to ? Are you a mender ? Are you a maker ? Are you creative ?