• I got to go on a road trip to Maine last weekend. Old Portland is so charming that she now appears in my dreams. We booked our train tickets to DC for the Christmas break. My partner wanted to fly to Europe. I convinced him to not fly. Yay, to low-carbon travel. Yay, to that amount of fossil fuels not burnt. I celebrate every flight I dodge. I am saving up my carbon budget for a trip to Japan at some point in life.
  • I am recruiting locals for my CCL chapter. Folks are angry. Folks are grieving. They need some pathway to direct it all towards. CCL has been providing us with tasks to do. It has given us a strategy. It’s has tactics. It has wise people to tame the novice angry mob that we are and channel it towards something productive. It has a list of people who can sign the bills. It has a list of constituencies that these politicians care the most about. It has tangible goals. Like Obama says, being woke isn’t enough. Join an org and make an impact.
  • What do you do when you are feeling down ? I sleep or watch Lord of the Rings. I am in bed with the flu for the entire week. There is an unknown quality about LOTR that soothes me. Treebeard is my fav character. The moment all the trees wake up and say “enough with the consumerism”, always gives me goosebumps. Always thankful for the presence of great art in my life.
  • Mina Huskador. Unconditional limitless puppy love. I have play time everyday, thanks to her. I haven’t done this sort of thing since I was a child. I get to wear rubber boots and walk through the woods. I get to be cold and make gurgling noises as I shiver. I get to cuddle as much as I want. I have had no break outs on my face since she arrived. She gives me free puppy facials. This is love beyond what I could imagine from a being. I cant bear it.

Materialism :

This ceramic plate setting.

These shades of blue sweaters.

When an artist dreams up a winter coat.

The most self aware hole.

This creation of sock stack.

Reading :

An Indian at home in Oakland.

Understanding Wabi Sabi.

How to learn economics.

First principles thinking of Physics.

Robert Montgomery’s poetry.

Epicurean ideas.

Techlead Ft introverts.