• Finished reading : Invisible women : Data Bias in a world designed for men by Caroline Criado Perez. I will be giving this book out for xmas to all the women in my life. Dear women and men of my generation, let’s finish the fight for equality that our grandmother’s generation started. This book has made me bolder. Its given me social science research to quote when I call out on casual sexism that exists in my every day life. It has given me data science research and data to back up my statements when I tell a privileged person that the problem is not as small as they perceive. I feel empowered, have been reaching out to more women and found a new sisterhood in this fight since reading this book.
  • Currently reading : Faces of Environmental Racism. At times, it has been sending shivers down my spine. “I could have been on the receiving end of the harm”. “That is how they see me ?” “Have I done this to other people?” “Am I a racist?” “Are we racist” “Why should I suffer for someones luxury? Why are their ornaments more important than my right to live ? ” “How can what they create, come at the expense of such destruction?” ….. By some dumb stroke of luck, I am fine for now.
  • Women’s soccer team ! That athleticism ! Watching the games has made me exercise harder, scrub more vigorously when I clean and lift heavier weights. I don’t usually watch sports but watching these women on the field has been very good for my well being. To have such idols … thank you !

Materialism :

This worm composter.

This pin.

These sandals.

Reading :

Costumes on the sets of Little Woman.

Poem : If my vagina was a gun.

Choice of anesthesia vs green house gasses.

Women who wear uniforms.

How to love your clothes.

About Laurie Anderson.

What are bio-plastics ?

Where not to plant trees.

Thank you Elizabeth Smith Miller.

“We can’t simply slap solar panels everywhere and call it a day. We have to dismantle the systems of oppression that gave rise to and perpetuate the climate crisis, including colonialism, racism and patriarchy.”

FAQ’s answered by a climate change adaptation researcher.