- “A quiet sculpture in my precious place. When you turn your eyes on there, nothing to do with what happens around your body or the movement in your mind. The outside world is shut down and time to face yourself.” I am forever thankful for the existence of art in my everyday life.
- Finished a few chapters of Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life. Mark Twain once said, “It’s not what we don’t know that gets us in trouble. It’s what we know for sure that just ain’t so”. Thank you dear book, for existing and being accessible to me.
- Got to try out a hybrid between beer and sparking fruit juice. It was so bad that it was good. A group of adults grinning after every sip – is priceless.
- How we treat our earth is in line with how we treat our women. Extracting resources from Earth that she can not bear, is in line with making a women produce offsprings against her will. Made a donation to ACLU. Am thankful for folks defending my right to choose.
Materialism :
This haori coat by Atelier Delphine.
Illustrations for book lovers.
Reading :
Plant based replacement to fossil fuel based styrofoam.
The poem MS Merwin wrote for his death.
American presidential candidate Jay Inslee’s climate plan.